Reflections of The City in The Light At The End of The Dial
The Drouth, Issue 57: Winter 2016/2017
The latest edition of the Drouth magazine features an article written by Mark Vernon exploring the different ways the city of Glasgow has been portrayed through Radiophrenia’s broadcasts. Guest edited by Elodie Roy and Stewart Smith, this issue, subtitled “Resonance”, has a musical theme, with a particular focus on underground sounds from Glasgow and Scotland. Contributors include Frances Morgan, Jon Dale, Francis McKee, Claire Biddles, Laurence Estanove, Communal Leisure & Silja Strom. More details here.
There is also a launch event for the publication with live readings from contributors and performances by Mark Vernon and Cucina Povera.
8pm, Tuesday 31st of January, The Vic bar, Glasgow School of Art. More details here.
Featured below is a Soundcloud playlist created to accompany the article including many of the works mentioned.